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At GMI, we believe our clients are more than just partners. We invest time to understand your business, users, and needs, shaping success together

Ilona Budzbon Sales & Marketing

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Why software projects are so expensive?

It’s not a ready-made product you can take from the shop shelf and throw into the basket. It’s something way more far-reaching and complicated. Software...

Kamil Dziuba
22 January 2019 15 MIN OF READING

Your Brilliant Idea Is Not Enough – This is How to Create Succesful Application

Coming up with an outstanding idea for an application might be intoxicating. However, the million-dollar idea without the right methodology, hard work, and the right...

Kamil Dziuba
11 January 2019 16 MIN OF READING

How to avoid project discord? Embrace the Proxy Product

Your dream as an IT investor is to conduct a successful project and to receive the finest piece of software. Choosing the agile method and...

Kamil Dziuba
05 October 2018 5 MIN OF READING

Software House reveals – Blockchain as a heart of IT Project

It’s highly unlikely to estimate how often do we hear about Blockchain every day. Sometimes it seems like most of the articles, blog posts, surveys,...

miko lehman Mikołaj Lehman
12 September 2018 4 MIN OF READING

MVP Launch – Why We Had To Slaughter Our Code?

This can be one of our worst nightmares as a start-up. We have just launched our MVP on the market. It turned out that instead...

Kamil Dziuba
05 September 2018 5 MIN OF READING

Why building an online product in a 12-month timeline is wrong?

It might be a complex online system, it might be an application. When we plan to build an online business, we need to focus on...

Kamil Dziuba
19 August 2018 6 MIN OF READING