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Ilona Budzbon Sales & Marketing

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Kamil Dziuba
20 March 2019 6 MIN OF READING
Kamil Dziuba
22 January 2019 15 MIN OF READING

Your Brilliant Idea Is Not Enough – This is How to Create Succesful Application

Bang! That’s it! This is the disrupting idea I was looking for all along. This will skyrocket my revenue like crazy. - Do you know...

Kamil Dziuba
11 January 2019 16 MIN OF READING

How to avoid project discord? Embrace the Proxy Product

„Nobody said it was easy” - you probably heard the chorus of this song many times. Most likely Chris Martin wasn’t singing about running an...

Kamil Dziuba
05 October 2018 5 MIN OF READING

Software House reveals – Blockchain as a heart of IT Project

It’s highly unlikely to estimate how often do we hear about Blockchain every day. Sometimes it seems like most of the articles, blog posts, surveys,...

miko lehman Mikołaj Lehman
12 September 2018 4 MIN OF READING

MVP Launch – Why We Had To Slaughter Our Code?

Despite working on a Minimal Viable Product is a smart move, the effects can be disappointing if we don’t do it right. But before we...

Kamil Dziuba
05 September 2018 5 MIN OF READING