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At GMI, we believe our clients are more than just partners. We invest time to understand your business, users, and needs, shaping success together

Ilona Budzbon Sales & Marketing

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UI/UX Trends 2022

Over the past years, our daily lives have increasingly moved to the virtual world. The year 2022 will continue to lead to an already complete...

miko lehman Mikołaj Lehman
14 September 2021 6 MIN OF READING

Why it pisses me off when you treat my IT team like a courier

Every time someone starts a conversation with "I have an idea for an app like Uber, only slightly different, how much will it cost?", I...

Kamil Dziuba
09 September 2021 9 MIN OF READING

UI/UX Trends 2021

Not only consumers' moods changed, their daily lives were also turned upside down. Habits were often transformed by 180 degrees. Pandemic solutions have dramatically accelerated...

Kamil Dziuba
09 September 2021 5 MIN OF READING

How To Make an App?

"How Do You Make an App" - this search phrase occurs as one of the most popular questions generating traffic to our website, so I...

miko lehman Mikołaj Lehman
19 November 2020 6 MIN OF READING
Kamil Dziuba
17 August 2020 0 MIN OF READING