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Ilona Budzbon Sales & Marketing

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miko lehman Mikołaj Lehman
26 July 2022 6 MIN OF READING

5 Innovative Future Medtech Beauty Trends We Can’t Stop Talking About

Medtech has become a fundamental part of beauty, wellness, and cosmetics. From hyaluronic acid injections to microdermabrasion, aesthetics and skincare have been saturated with various...

Kamil Dziuba
19 July 2022 6 MIN OF READING

The Importance of Software Development for Cosmetology – Why Innovation is Critical and What it Means for the Industry

Given the massive influence that software is going to have on the industry in the coming years, it’s important for cosmetologists to understand why this...

Kamil Dziuba
19 July 2022 5 MIN OF READING

The Latest in Greentech Software Development: What to Expect from New Technologies

New software development trends are emerging year after year. Every time, the tech industry comes up with something new and exciting. However, it’s also true...

miko lehman Mikołaj Lehman
12 July 2022 6 MIN OF READING

7 Interesting Ways Smart Locker Technology Benefits the Enterprise

When we think of lockers, our minds probably conjure images of school hallways and basements. However, in today’s digital world, lockers have gone digital. Smart...

miko lehman Mikołaj Lehman
08 July 2022 5 MIN OF READING