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Ilona Budzbon Sales & Marketing

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The Most Popular Types of Healthcare Software

Healthcare is a highly fragmented industry, particularly when it comes to technology. With so many vendors offering software solutions for hospitals and medical practices, it...

miko lehman Mikołaj Lehman
03 October 2022 5 MIN OF READING

Healthcare Software Development: The Future of Healthcare in the Age of AI

This has led to the creation of specialized algorithms that can now sort through large volumes of unstructured information in a matter of seconds. At...

miko lehman Mikołaj Lehman
03 October 2022 7 MIN OF READING
miko lehman Mikołaj Lehman
30 September 2022 7 MIN OF READING

Ecommerce Website Development: Comprehensive Guide

In today’s digital economy, ecommerce websites are the primary way for businesses to sell their products online. Even small businesses can now reach a global...

miko lehman Mikołaj Lehman
28 September 2022 20 MIN OF READING

Guide to next.js commerce: why you should consider switching

Next.js is a universal react framework that was born out of the necessity of creating server-side rendering websites and apps that are fast and lightweight.

miko lehman Mikołaj Lehman
21 September 2022 5 MIN OF READING
miko lehman Mikołaj Lehman
15 September 2022 5 MIN OF READING