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Ilona Budzbon Sales & Marketing

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What Is AWS Amplify Studio?

‍With the proliferation of artificial intelligence, virtual assistants, and chatbots, there’s never been a more exciting time to create conversational interfaces. So you’re probably wondering:...

miko lehman Mikołaj Lehman
18 October 2022 4 MIN OF READING

A Guide to Solar App Development for Your Business

Before you can begin to reap the benefits and cost savings of solar adoption, you need to first install a solar system. If you’re looking...

miko lehman Mikołaj Lehman
18 October 2022 6 MIN OF READING

Babylon.js: The Solar Industry’s Best Friend

VR has particular benefits for businesses in the solar space, thanks to its ability to immerse users in interactive environments and create realistic simulations that...

miko lehman Mikołaj Lehman
17 October 2022 5 MIN OF READING

Software developer resume: 8 Tips to Improve your CV

A resume is your first impression to an employer and determines if you will get further consideration or not. There are many different ways to...

miko lehman Mikołaj Lehman
14 October 2022 6 MIN OF READING

Software houses in Poland: Best outsourcing option

Outsourcing to a software house means you can launch your product faster and with minimal upfront investment in new technology or specialist staff. So if...

miko lehman Mikołaj Lehman
14 October 2022 4 MIN OF READING

Fastify: Build Fast, scalable APIs with node.js

Your users demand faster and faster speed. And with the rise of mobile apps, your users expect lightning-fast responsiveness from your product no matter what...

miko lehman Mikołaj Lehman
13 October 2022 5 MIN OF READING