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Ilona Budzbon Sales & Marketing

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UI Trends 2024: Unlocking the Latest & Greatest in UI Design

It’s no secret that user interface (UI) design is an ever-evolving field. As technology continues to improve and new trends emerge, designers must stay up-to-date...

miko lehman Mikołaj Lehman
03 April 2023 7 MIN OF READING
miko lehman Mikołaj Lehman
30 January 2023 4 MIN OF READING

Soft Skills That Every Software Developer Must Have

So you’ve mastered your coding skills, you can build an app from scratch, you know all the ins and outs of software development, and you...

miko lehman Mikołaj Lehman
30 December 2022 5 MIN OF READING

Unlock the potential of GPT-3 Chatbot – technology to transform your business in 2023

With the advent of GPT-3 chatbot technology, businesses now have the opportunity to take their chatbot solutions to the next level. In this blog, we...

miko lehman Mikołaj Lehman
19 November 2022 5 MIN OF READING

What is Low Code Development?

For example, some software is built from the ground up with code. In other cases, developers use what’s known as Low-Code Development techniques to simplify...

miko lehman Mikołaj Lehman
13 November 2022 4 MIN OF READING

Things CTOs Should Be Doing in 2023

As the role of chief technology officer continues to evolve, so too do the responsibilities of those who hold the title. In fact, by 2023...

miko lehman Mikołaj Lehman
20 October 2022 4 MIN OF READING