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The Best Web3 Development Practices for Dapp Developers

‍ The blockchain ecosystem is a fast-moving space, and so are the best practices for developing on it. The decentralized app (Dapp) development landscape is...

miko lehman Mikołaj Lehman
26 July 2022 6 MIN OF READING

The Latest in Greentech Software Development: What to Expect from New Technologies

New software development trends are emerging year after year. Every time, the tech industry comes up with something new and exciting. However, it’s also true...

miko lehman Mikołaj Lehman
12 July 2022 6 MIN OF READING

7 Interesting Ways Smart Locker Technology Benefits the Enterprise

When we think of lockers, our minds probably conjure images of school hallways and basements. However, in today’s digital world, lockers have gone digital. Smart...

miko lehman Mikołaj Lehman
08 July 2022 5 MIN OF READING

6 Essential Technology for a Fintech Startup: Innovative Ways to Bring Your Business to the Next Level

Fintech is the hottest new way to launch a startup. In this new era of financial services, millennials are no longer interested in banks as...

miko lehman Mikołaj Lehman
30 June 2022 5 MIN OF READING

UI/UX Trends 2022

Over the past years, our daily lives have increasingly moved to the virtual world. The year 2022 will continue to lead to an already complete...

miko lehman Mikołaj Lehman
14 September 2021 6 MIN OF READING

How To Make an App?

"How Do You Make an App" - this search phrase occurs as one of the most popular questions generating traffic to our website, so I...

miko lehman Mikołaj Lehman
19 November 2020 6 MIN OF READING