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W GMI wierzymy, że nasi klienci to więcej niż partnerzy. Inwestujemy czas, aby zrozumieć Twój biznes, użytkowników i potrzeby, wspólnie kształtując sukces.

Ilona Budzbon Sales & Marketing

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GMI Software zobowiązuje się do przetwarzania przekazanych informacji w celu nawiązania kontaktu z Tobą w sprawie Twojego projektu. Dodatkowe dane są wykorzystywane w celach analitycznych. Od czasu do czasu możemy chcieć poinformować Cię o innych naszych usługach i treściach, które mogą być dla Ciebie interesujące. Jeśli wyrażasz zgodę na kontakt w tych celach, zaznacz poniższe pole wyboru. Możesz zrezygnować z naszych komunikatów w dowolnym momencie. Aby dowiedzieć się więcej o procesie rezygnacji i naszym podejściu do ochrony prywatności, zapoznaj się z naszą Polityką Prywatności.
To pole jest używane do walidacji i powinno pozostać niezmienione.

Product Design Workshops

Vision to Victory: Transform concepts into creations with our Product Design Workshops

All the essentials for successful app development at your fingertips

Product design workshops are structured collaborative meetings involving key stakeholders, development teams, QA personnel, and designers, focused on crafting a groundbreaking and efficient product. These sessions aim to integrate the app founder’s business objectives with the collective expertise of the team, culminating in a robust, actionable development strategy. By participating in product design workshops, businesses can refine their app concepts, gain a competitive edge, and enhance cost and time efficiency through early detection of potential issues, thereby paving the way for a successful app launch.

You should consider our product design workshop if:

1Idea Clarification for App Development

If you’re starting with an app idea but feel daunted by the development process, our workshop is designed to demystify these steps. We provide clear guidance and support, helping you navigate the journey from a raw concept to a fully-realized app.

2Vision to Reality for Product Development

If you’ve progressed to wireframes or UI/UX designs, our workshop offers a critical eye for refinement. Our team of experienced professionals will audit your designs, ensuring they are user-friendly, aesthetically pleasing, and up to industry standards.

3App Idea Validation and Market Feasibility

For those seeking to validate their app idea, our workshop provides a thorough vetting process. We analyze market viability, user engagement prospects, and overall practicality, giving you a realistic assessment of your app’s potential for success.

4Estimating Time & Budget for App Projects

If you’re at the stage with a completed app design and feature list, our workshop can assist in determining the project’s time and budget requirements. We offer expertise in mapping out a detailed and efficient plan for your app’s development, focusing on cost-effectiveness and timely delivery.

5Strategic Planning for App Concept Development

Ideal for those at the initial stages of app conceptualization, our workshop helps in strategically developing your app concept. We focus on aligning your idea with market trends, target audience needs, and technological feasibility, ensuring a strong foundation for your app’s success.

6Comprehensive Project Scoping and Planning

For individuals or teams who have a basic framework or idea for an app but need assistance in fully scoping the project, our workshop provides in-depth guidance. We delve into every aspect of project planning, from resource allocation to milestone setting, ensuring a comprehensive roadmap for your app development journey.

Time-Efficient Development: Our Promise

Aplikacja mobilna Street Art
Konfigurator 3D paneli solarnych
System pralniomatów
Giełda NFT
See all projects
  • Doświadcz emocji odkrywania miejskiej sztuki jak nigdy dotąd. Innowacyjna aplikacja mobilna ułatwia eksplorację miasta, prowadząc do ukrytych perełek wśród murali. Idealna na wakacje i weekendowe wypady, wprowadza nowy wymiar do miejskich przygód.

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  • Norway 10 months

    Wejdź w rewolucję odnawialnych źródeł energii dzięki studium przypadku Solarts: zaawansowanemu rozwiązaniu programowemu dla fotowoltaiki. Dowiedz się, jak uprościć proces instalacji paneli słonecznych za pomocą tego przyjaznego dla użytkownika rozwiązania.

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    Jan Erik Johansen
    CEO & Founder at STS Norway Norwefia

    Z największą przyjemnością i pełną odpowiedzialnością polecamy GMI jako profesjonalną firmę zajmującą się aplikacjami internetowymi. Wybraliśmy GMI głównie dlatego, że już na etapie zapytania wykazali się dużym profesjonalizmem. Płynna komunikacja na wczesnych etapach wskazywała, że realizacja projektu będzie równie efektywna – i faktycznie taka była. Jeśli w przyszłości pojawi się okazja do współpracy przy kolejnym projekcie, z pewnością ponownie skorzystamy z usług GMI.

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  • Wielka Brytania W trakcie

    Poznaj studium przypadku Q2 Smart Lockers: unikalne połączenie technologii mobilnej i praktycznej usługi, które zrewolucjonizowało pralnie chemiczne w Londynie. Historia innowacji i strategicznego partnerstwa.

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    Managing Director UK

    Przez ostatnie 4 lata współpracowałem z grupą GMI przy wielu projektach. Zawsze byłem zadowolony z jakości realizowanych zleceń przez Mikołaja Lehmana i cały jego zespół deweloperów. GMI posiada unikalne umiejętności w przekładaniu pomysłów na rzeczywistość. Są bardzo efektywni, dyskretni, a co najważniejsze – godni zaufania.

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  • Niemcy 10 miesięcy

    Monarty: fuzja sztuki i technologii blockchain, web3, prezentująca innowacje w rynkach NFT i platformach sztuki cyfrowej. Technologiczna ewolucja w sztuce.

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    A man in a black jacket with long hair.
    Waldek Szymkowiak
    CEO & Founder at Niemcy

    Z największą przyjemnością i pełną odpowiedzialnością polecamy firmę GMI jako profesjonalnego partnera. Wybraliśmy GMI przede wszystkim dlatego, że podeszli do naszego zapytania w bardzo profesjonalny sposób. Płynna komunikacja na wczesnym etapie wskazywała, że realizacja będzie równie efektywna, i rzeczywiście tak było. Jeśli w przyszłości pojawi się możliwość współpracy przy kolejnym projekcie, na pewno ponownie skorzystamy z usług GMI.

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Clarifying your product design services doubts

Frequently Asked Questions on product design services: Detailed explanations and professional responses to your most pressing questions about maintaining high standards in product and service quality through our produt design workshops

What are the core objectives of a Product Design Workshop?

The primary goal of a Product Design Workshops is to develop a comprehensive plan that integrates the business goals of the app founder with the technical and creative expertise of the development team. This collaborative effort focuses on establishing a clear product vision, user personas, competitive analysis, unique value proposition (UVP), monetization strategies, key success metrics, and a lean canvas model for efficient project execution.

How does the workshop contribute to effective business analysis in product design?
How is app design approached in the workshop?
Does the workshop provide an estimate of time and cost?
What are the benefits of conducting a Product Design Workshop early in the development process?
How does the workshop integrate user experience (UX) into the product design?
What role does technology assessment play in the Product Design Workshop?

We’re on board to help with your product. Don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Contact Us Let’s

Product Design Workshops team

Quality Assurance Services
CEO @ GMI – vCTO in your project

Meet a trailblazer in technological product creation. As the CEO of GMI Software, he’s masterminded digital solutions by marrying business insights with tech expertise.

His signature project, Hublock, transformed logistics automation, showcasing his knack for innovative solutions. With ventures like and Q2 Smart Locker UK, he’s consistently reinvented industries, from mental health to efficient deliveries. His reputation isn’t just built on achievements but a passion for driving real-world impact. Choose him, and you’re opting for proven expertise, innovation, and tangible results.

Magda kwadrat 2
UX/UI Designer

Embark on the journey of a dedicated designer, rooted in Kraków.

Beginning her career in April 2017 as a Graphic Designer, she spent over two years mastering the art of visual communication. As her passion grew, she transitioned in May 2019 to the world of UI/UX Design. Here, she honed her skills in creating intuitive interfaces, ensuring that every design decision catered to the end-user’s experience. Engage with a professional who flawlessly melds visual allure with a deep understanding of user needs. This is not just design; it’s art with purpose.

Quality Assurance Services
Full-stack Developer

Meet a Full-stack Developer with a rich tapestry of experience, prominently highlighted by his tenure since 2019 at GMI.

With his in-depth knowledge managing both backend and frontend intricacies, he’s consistently driven digital transformations. His journey includes diverse roles ranging from an entrepreneurial stint as a self-motivated technologist to optimizing frontend interfaces for logistics platforms. Working with him ensures you’re collaborating with a holistic solution architect, dedicated to turning visionary concepts into tangible realities.

Quality Assurance Services
Full-stack Developer

Meet a Full-stack Developer with a rich tapestry of experience, prominently highlighted by his tenure since 2019 at GMI.

With his in-depth knowledge managing both backend and frontend intricacies, he’s consistently driven digital transformations. His journey includes diverse roles ranging from an entrepreneurial stint as a self-motivated technologist to optimizing frontend interfaces for logistics platforms. Working with him ensures you’re collaborating with a holistic solution architect, dedicated to turning visionary concepts into tangible realities.

Quality Assurance Services Quality Assurance Services
CEO @ GMI – vCTO in your project

Meet a trailblazer in technological product creation. As the CEO of GMI Software, he’s masterminded digital solutions by marrying business insights with tech expertise.

His signature project, Hublock, transformed logistics automation, showcasing his knack for innovative solutions. With ventures like and Q2 Smart Locker UK, he’s consistently reinvented industries, from mental health to efficient deliveries. His reputation isn’t just built on achievements but a passion for driving real-world impact. Choose him, and you’re opting for proven expertise, innovation, and tangible results.

Magda kwadrat 2 Magda kwadrat 2
UX/UI Designer

Embark on the journey of a dedicated designer, rooted in Kraków.

Beginning her career in April 2017 as a Graphic Designer, she spent over two years mastering the art of visual communication. As her passion grew, she transitioned in May 2019 to the world of UI/UX Design. Here, she honed her skills in creating intuitive interfaces, ensuring that every design decision catered to the end-user’s experience. Engage with a professional who flawlessly melds visual allure with a deep understanding of user needs. This is not just design; it’s art with purpose.

Quality Assurance Services Quality Assurance Services
Full-stack Developer

Meet a Full-stack Developer with a rich tapestry of experience, prominently highlighted by his tenure since 2019 at GMI.

With his in-depth knowledge managing both backend and frontend intricacies, he’s consistently driven digital transformations. His journey includes diverse roles ranging from an entrepreneurial stint as a self-motivated technologist to optimizing frontend interfaces for logistics platforms. Working with him ensures you’re collaborating with a holistic solution architect, dedicated to turning visionary concepts into tangible realities.

Quality Assurance Services Quality Assurance Services
Full-stack Developer

Meet a Full-stack Developer with a rich tapestry of experience, prominently highlighted by his tenure since 2019 at GMI.

With his in-depth knowledge managing both backend and frontend intricacies, he’s consistently driven digital transformations. His journey includes diverse roles ranging from an entrepreneurial stint as a self-motivated technologist to optimizing frontend interfaces for logistics platforms. Working with him ensures you’re collaborating with a holistic solution architect, dedicated to turning visionary concepts into tangible realities.

Our Product Design Workshop excels in transforming business challenges into innovative, market-ready designs, focusing on user-centric solutions and efficient realization of business goals

  • Service

    Discovery & Design

    We start by understanding your needs and goals in a collaborative workshop. Together, we develop a strategy, set priorities, and conduct market research. With this knowledge, we select the appropriate processes, technologies, and create a detailed budget. Our comprehensive offering guides you from idea exploration to implementation, ensuring effective project management at every stage, including the initiation of market research and implementation of initial marketing activities.

  • Service

    MVP App Development | Rapid Prototyping Development

    In the development phase of Rapid Prototyping and MVP, our expert developers diligently craft the application to match project specifications, employing methodologies like Agile for progressive iterations. This phase involves extensive testing, including unit, integration, and acceptance tests, to guarantee flawless functionality. It’s at this point that the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) emerges—a functional iteration of the product poised to impact the market.

  • Service

    Ongoing Development

    During the development stage, our team of expert developers diligently works on crafting the application in alignment with the outlined project requirements. We adopt methodologies like Agile, facilitating iterative and progressive development. This phase includes comprehensive testing processes, encompassing unit, integration, and acceptance tests, to guarantee smooth and flawless operation. It’s at this juncture that we shape the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) – a functional, market-ready version of the application, embodying the core value proposition and ready to make an impactful debut.

Tech stack we use:

angular 1










aws 1




angular 1 1




angular 1 2


Other technologies


  • React Native
  • Ionic
  • Flutter
  • Firebase

Web 3.0

  • Moralis
  • Alchemy
  • Solidity
  • Truffle
  • Metamask
  • IPFS
  • GraphQL


  • Tensor Flow
  • Google Colab
  • AWS AI Services
  • Google Vision AI
  • OpenAI API
  • Chat GPT
  • Bard
  • Bing


  • Unity 3D
  • Unreal Engine
  • WebXR
  • Blender
  • 3ds Max
  • Babylonjs
  • Banuba
  • Apple ARKit
  • Google ARCore