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The Truth about Web Developer vs. Web Designers

miko lehman
Mikołaj Lehman
24 sierpnia 2022 4 MIN CZYTANIA

In the world of technology, it’s important to know about all the different kinds of professionals who work to keep it moving forward. After all, it’s these people who make sure everything stays working as well as possible and creates more opportunities for further technological advancements.

web developer

If you work in information technology, or aspire to do so, you should know about different job roles such as developers and designers. There are many similarities between these professions, but with some cursory research and an understanding of the differences between them, you can figure out which one is right for you. Both designers and developers are essential to any tech company. To find out which role is right for you, read on to see what makes a web developer vs a web designer different from one another.

What Is a Web Developer?

Web developers are responsible for creating the architecture and software behind a website. They design, plan, and build websites with complex functionalities and information architecture. Web developers create the structure of the website that allows and facilitates the flow of information between the users and the site.

They also write the code that acts as the “language” that computers use to understand the site’s information. This is the reason why many people confuse web developers with computer programmers. Although both web developers and computer programmers use coding languages, web developers write code for websites and computer programmers write code for computer programs.

Web developers are responsible for creating the website’s user interface (UI) and user experience (UX). They also make sure that the website’s code is clean, efficient, and error-free.

What is a Web Designer?

Web designers are responsible for creating a website’s “look-and-feel”, or the visual aspects of a site. They design the site’s layout, image selection, colors, fonts, and other aspects that affect how a site looks. They also design the site’s user interface (UI), which affects how a site is used.

Web designers create mock-ups (also known as “wireframes”) that are essentially visual representations of what a website will look like. They use these mock-ups to present their design ideas to other members in a company and receive feedback on their designs.

The Similarities Between Web Developer and Web Designers

Although designers and developers have distinct roles, there are many similarities between them. Both designers and developers are responsible for the aesthetics of a site. A site’s aesthetics are its visual elements, such as images, colors, fonts, and layout.

Both designers and developers are also responsible for creating a site’s functionality. A site’s functionality is the site’s ability to load information quickly or allow a user to purchase an item online.

Both designers and developers are involved in the site’s maintenance and upkeep. They ensure that a site’s code is clean and efficient, and they fix bugs (errors in a website’s code) when they occur.

Key Differences Between Web Developers and Web Designers

Though there are many similarities between web developers and web designers, there are also some key differences between the two professions. Web developer create the structure of a site, while designers create its visual elements. This distinction is important because neither profession can do both.

Web developers create the architecture of a website, while designers create its visual elements. This distinction is also important because neither profession can do both. Web developers use programming languages to create a website, while designers use visual tools to create a website. This distinction is important because visual tools are designed for designers, whereas programming languages are designed for web developers.

Web developers are in charge of a website’s functionality, while designers are in charge of a website’s visual elements. This distinction is important because neither profession can do both.


Web developers and web designers are two different professions that have distinct roles and duties. Though there are many similarities between the two, there are also a few key differences between the two professions.

Web developers create the architecture and software behind a website, while designers create its visual elements. This distinction is important because neither profession can do both.

Web developers use programming languages to create a website, while designers use visual tools to create a website. This distinction is important because designers use visual tools, whereas web developers use programming languages.

Web developers are in charge of a website’s functionality, while designers are in charge of a website’s visual elements. This distinction is important because neither profession can do both.