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Software Development Methodologies: Keep your code healthy

‍Software development is a complex process that requires constant focus and attention to detail. In this fast-paced environment, it’s important to give your code the best chance of success.

miko lehman
Mikołaj Lehman
07 listopada 2023 4 MIN CZYTANIA

‍Software development is a complex process that requires constant focus and attention to detail. In this fast-paced environment, it’s important to give your code the best chance of success.

software development methodologies

With so many development methodologies out there, it can be overwhelming to know which one is right for you and your team. Picking the wrong methodology can lead to a number of problems down the line, such as bugs, poor communication, or low productivity. To help you pick the right one for your team, we’ve listed some of the most effective software development methodologies and their pros and cons.

What is a Software Development Methodology?

A software development methodology is a defined set of rules, practices, and guidelines for building software. A methodology can help teams create better products, reduce risks, and improve productivity. It’s important to remember that methodologies are not a one-size-fits-all approach. They are flexible and adjustable to your team’s needs so they can be effective. In fact, the best methodologies are the ones that are constantly evolving to keep up with the ever-changing software landscape.


Scrum prioritizes flexibility and adaptability over strict process. Teams seeking to boost productivity by giving developers more freedom should select scrum. Product owners may make important decisions and assign priorities based on what is most critical using scrum.

However, they also need to be accountable for their decisions, which is why scrum emphasizes transparency. Teams use scrum boards to track projects and their deliverables so everyone is on the same page. With scrum, software developers focus on the task at hand, but are always thinking about what’s next. This methodology can be great for teams who want to be more efficient without sacrificing transparency.


Like scrum, agile is another popular agile software development methodology. It focuses on collaboration, clear communication, and an employee-first mentality. When using this methodology, there is a lot of cross-team collaboration and interaction.

This allows teams to learn from each other, go above and beyond to meet each other’s needs, and create a supportive and inclusive environment. While agile can be effective, it’s important that teams are following the right version of this methodology. You need to find the right agile methodology for your team because not all of them are made the same.

software development methodologies


Kanban is a visual and flexible software development methodology that prioritizes collaboration and transparency. With kanban, teams create a workflow that allows them to see their progress at a glance. Because kanban is visual, it’s easy to understand and follow, which makes it a great methodology for beginners.

Because it’s flexible, it can be easily adjusted to the needs of the team. That being said, kanban is not without its drawbacks. Because it’s so visual, it’s difficult to track metrics and data. In addition, it’s important that teams follow the same workflow to make it effective.

Crystal Clear Software Development Methodology

Crystal Clear prioritizes quality over quantity and focuses on delivering excellent products. Because it prioritizes quality over quantity, it helps teams focus on the big picture. The Crystal Clear approach emphasises the importance of taking sufficient time to ensure that your product is perfect.

This technique is best for organisations that are quality-centric or must adhere to strict regulations or compliance standards. It is also beneficial for novices in the software development industry or businesses seeking a gentle introduction. Teams that are used to a faster pace or delivering quicker might experience some tension as a result of this methodology.

Software Development Methodology: Conclusion

The software development industry is a complex one and finding the right methodology can be difficult. With so many options out there, it’s important to select one that not only works for your team, but also aligns with your business goals. If you’re struggling to find a methodology that works for you and your team, it may be time to try a new one. While there is no one-size-fits-all methodology, there are many effective ones out there that are just waiting to be discovered.