Mobile application – Hybrid or Native? Differences
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The term 'mobile app’ despite appearances is not clear because there are many types of mobile applications. These differences do not only apply to technology but also affect the business model of the company or a startup. In this post I familiarize you two of the most famous versions of mobile applications: hybrid and native.
Hybrid mobile app
Hybrid – as the name suggests, is a combination of two opposite things, the same applies to mobile applications. Hybrid mobile applications using technology typically used to build web applications, and at the same time have access to the native functionality of smartphones. They are built using a variety of tools (e.g. PhoneGap or Ionic). The operation of these tools porównałabym function interpreter – language A -> translator -> Language B, so the hybrid itself is like a translated version of a native application.
Native mobile app
It is a typical mobile application, written from scratch in a programming language suitable for your operating system (iOS – Objective C, for Android – Java, for WindowsPhone – C #). All functions are written from scratch by a programmer – it allows you to build complex applications, and does not limit the creativity of the developer in a number of functions.
The differences between hybrid and native
Firstly, to create a hybrid application takes much less time than native applications. Hybrid learning requires the use of only one tool and knowledge of JavaScript, HTML5, which is typical of online tools and work immediately on three operating systems. So we write an application once and the effect we have on the three systems. As far as the native application must take into account that for each operating system (iOS, Android, WindowsPhone) the same application must be written in another language, and so the development of a native application is longer and much more expensive.
Another difference is that the hybrid does not have access to all the complex functions of the phone. However, the developer has the freedom of adding plug-ins that easily will handle functions that provide native applications.
It is well known that the utility, including speed, a nice display of the application is very important, and here I must confess point for the native application. For large, complex applications or mobile gaming speed, no jamming is paramount. Hybrid works well in smaller applications, not taking her speed. There are voices that hybrids are inefficient and slow, but the problem disappears completely for new smartphones with Android 4.4 hybrid applications where performance is a very high level. There are some powerful hybrid applications that run quickly, without jamming, and thus is largely a question of the ability of the programmer, not the platform itself. Also, Apple in the latest version of iOS analyzing the market for mobile applications put considerable emphasis on improving the use of such applications, including by supporting technologies such as HTML5 and WebGL.
And there was something else, such as RWD …
RWD, that is responsive web design, otherwise the responsive site is nothing more than a web page dopasowywującą to the resolution of the device on which it currently displays.
So, who should order native applications and who hybrid app?
Hybrid app:
– You have an idea for a simple mobile application, without complicated functions
– You have a limited budget and limited time
– You are only a prototype mobile application (for startups – to present to potential investors, or build a wider community without restrictions on operating systems) is a hybrid application is perfect for you.
Native app:
– If you currently have a mobile app and want to expand
– If you have an idea for an advanced mobile game or developed a mobile application
– You care about the speed and the absence of jamming during key option in the application
– The budget and the time of creation does not play the role I suggest to consider the creation of a native application.
I hope that lit up the nuances of building mobile applications and their applications. It turns out that this is exactly as with everything in life – the different needs of different solutions are born.