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5 Reasons Why Low-Code is the Future of App Development

Software development continues to evolve with new tools, processes, and platforms. Today, technology is enabling organizations to digitally transform business processes with the use of low-code software development platforms. Low-code software solutions are interactive, no code applications that require less than 200 lines of source code. These solutions provide users with a visual interface where they can drag and drop blocks to build apps without needing to write any source code. New solutions are emerging to cater to the digital transformation needs of businesses by simplifying app creation and reducing the need for IT resources. Here are 5 reasons why low-code app development is the future of app development.

miko lehman
Mikołaj Lehman
29 sierpnia 2024 4 MIN CZYTANIA

Software development continues to evolve with new tools, processes, and platforms. Today, technology is enabling organizations to digitally transform business processes with the use of low-code software development platforms. Low-code software solutions are interactive, no code applications that require less than 200 lines of source code. These solutions provide users with a visual interface where they can drag and drop blocks to build apps without needing to write any source code. New solutions are emerging to cater to the digital transformation needs of businesses by simplifying app creation and reducing the need for IT resources. Here are 5 reasons why low-code app development is the future of app development.

Apps are the backbone of business

Apps have evolved from being another feature on a website to being the backbone of business transformation. The shift to a more digital world has created new opportunities for organizations to engage with customers, increase productivity, and create new revenue streams. Low-code platforms facilitate this shift by enabling non-technical business users to create digital experiences.

These apps can be used for customer-facing channels, employee engagement, workflow automation, and more. Low-code development platforms allow for the creation of single-page apps, which are web experiences that are more responsive, engaging, and interactive. Additionally, you can host these apps on a variety of platforms such as the cloud, AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud.

More flexible and agile development

Low-code development platforms are designed to be more flexible and agile than traditional methodologies. The use of visual programming and drag-and-drop functionality allows developers to build code and iterate faster. Visual programming enables users to create code by connecting together visual building blocks and letting the platform know what function each block performs.

This allows developers to create apps using a more intuitive design-driven approach. With visual programming, developers can create and test the app without writing any code. This allows them to get to market faster and conduct user testing earlier in the development cycle. There are also low-code development tools that incorporate Agile principles into the development process. These tools allow teams to create and manage user stories, collaborate via online workspaces, and assign tasks to team members.

Shorter time to market

Low-code development platforms enable organizations to accelerate time to market by enabling faster development cycles, streamlining testing, and providing continuous integration. With low-code development tools, developers can quickly create and test basic app functionality with no or minimal coding. This is a significant improvement over traditional methodologies where developers write code, test the code, and then rewrite the code. Low-code development tools simplify the testing process by connecting to testing and monitoring tools. This allows businesses to easily integrate tests into their agile testing cycles.

Helps build better apps

Low-code development tools help build better apps by improving collaboration and simplifying the app design process. Enabling teams to work together in one central location drastically improves collaboration. This allows the entire team to have access to all project files and collaborate in one integrated environment. The simplified design process allows non-technical users to create custom app designs by dragging and dropping a variety of design elements onto a custom canvas. These elements can then be used to create customized views, screens, and user flows.

Easy onboarding of new developers and volunteers

Low-code development tools help onboard new developers and volunteers by providing guided tutorials and interactive learning experiences. These tools allow businesses to create self-service learning environments that are tailored to the skill level of each user. This enables users to quickly become productive with the tools and start creating apps. Businesses can also invite external volunteers or temporary employees to work on projects via their online workspaces.

Low-Code Development: Conclusion

Businesses continue to evolve and adapt to new technologies as they strive to become more digital. The shift to low-code software development has created new opportunities for non-technical users to create apps without needing to write any source code. Low-code development platforms simplify the app creation process by enabling users to create apps using a visual designer and drag-and-drop functionality. These solutions provide businesses with the power of custom app development without the need for coding.