Live chat – which is the best for your product? Comparison
1. Zopim (
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Surfing the pages of interactive agencies or young startups we come across an interesting approach to customer service – Live chat. We introduced such a possibility, but before we did we conducted a long and arduous tests, the results of which you can see below. We chose 3 chats, which we most liked and corresponds to our requirements.
1. Zopim (
Immediately catches my eye simplicity chat and the ability to integrate with, among others, Gmail (Hangouts), Skype and many CRMami (Zoho, SugarCRM or Salesforce). Efficient and easy integration that is what I value the most products in the cloud – no one uses only one service, a variety of integration make life easier. In the case of Zopim most of the integration is to be done, however, the only problem is the number of bots receiving messages, because until 9. Not quite understandable why the system needs until 9 bots. The problem arises mainly when the integration with Skype or Gtalkiem, because we get up to 9 new contacts that every few minutes to refresh effectively diffusing a potential employee that this chat will be handled. Generally speaking, I appreciate the fact that many of integration, but it would be fitting to work on them.
Zopim also has an interesting option to change status from online to offline or BRB. In the last two statuses, you can leave a message in the chat, which will be sent to the assigned email address. With this solution, the user receives two options: the conversation by chat as well as the form to send a message.
Sam conversation by chat is extremely simple and intuitive. Sending and responding to messages is preceded by a delicate sound, and sending and receiving messages is instantaneous.
If you think that the application Zopim only enable chat without any monitoring then you are wrong. Zopim (even in the free version) provides management panel chat. It offers among other things, monitor the users coming to the site and using the chat, adding agents that support chat, block unwanted traffic (bots, etc.), setting Triggers, ie. automatic response when the car is not around. Some options are available only if you subscribe to the paid version, which costs $ 14 per month, but I think that the use of free version is enough for use by a smaller company.
2. SnapEngage (
This is only paid version chat, but you can easily see why. Fortunately, before buying access, you can sign up for the trial, which lasts for 15 days – the highest plan. A whole bunch of options to choose from starting with the possibility of a complete personalize chat and messages when the support called Agent is offline. SnapEngage offers us tools such as, among others, determine the number of people who can respond to queries from the chat / messages, set the template response, matching the appearance of the chat covering the length of the notification and the sound of the buttons including, dates available and many others.
There is also a possibility of integration with popular management platforms leadami, emails and Facebook – are they in truth in beta but already you can see that SnapEngage understands the great value are the well-done integration.
The system has a lot of useful options, and strangely enough you do not have the feeling that there are too many or that are unnecessary. Everything is arranged in a logical way, each option is explained. The system is also equipped with a platform statistics of visits chat, talk time and the time to wait for answers. Statistics can be exported to an Excel file.
When it comes to the same setting to chat dovetails with our web page I must admit that I had with this considerable problem.Niektóre of the options are still underdeveloped and set them required the intervention of the guys in the team who will put everything within a minute as you need 🙂
In summary SnapEngine offers a full range of advanced chat users. This platform is ideal for companies that have a large number of inquiries online, type stores or other online services. The platform has several subscription plans, so even niche shops will be able to choose something for themselves.
3. MyLiveChat (
The most extensive chat with the three. MyLiveChat offers 3 paid plans and free one, where the latter as the most just small undertaking. The basic package receive full management of the chat starting with determining the number of agents ending with full personalization. In previous chats we had to choose only one appearance chat and its location. In the case of MyLiveChat we can fix virtually complete appearance of the chat using the ready templatkami or upload your own. This makes we can customize the appearance of the chat so that it dovetails with the design of our website. In addition, you can choose where you want the chat to appear on our site that is to be sound.
There is also a very interesting option called „Chat Invitation”. Here we have two options: „Standard invitation” and „Smart Invitation”. Standard is simply an invitation to chat with a consultant, which appears after entering the website. The second option, however, is interesting because it detects how long the user stays on our website, or appears on a specific sub-page – allows you to customize the 'appearance’ to chat with a proposal to help or directions on how to use the page and so on. This is a feature which, in particular useful online stores or extensive CRM systems in places where you can get lost. This solution increases the professionalism of customer service and the company itself.
MyLiveChat also offers the option to include surveys, which the user fills the finished chatting with a consultant. The survey consists of the evaluation consultant, leave a comment and send text conversation to the specified e-mail user. Of course, we can choose the panel, which of the above options will be available.
Chat (or at least greet him) is available in all languages. We can set in which language chat to appear, or select „Auto-detect”, which means that the welcome will be adapted to the language of the user. In addition to this, we can add your own translations to basic commands. Additionally MyLiveChat provides the option 'Autoreplies’ – generally I am against such settings, because once they discourage potential customer to talk. However, there are situations when they are simply added or interlude when switching consultant, and such a situation predicted MyLiveChat.
An interesting feature that is not found in other live chat is the ability to generate reports and statistics for one or multiple agents. They evaluate customer satisfaction, the activity of the agent with the division for hours, days, weeks, etc. This option especially useful for managers of teams from the support frame.
Given the available live chats on the market, Zopim, SnapEngage and MyLiveChat seemed most interesting to describe. All three have slightly different target: Zopim is ideal for small businesses with a few queries / week. SnapEngage already more queries / day while MyLiveChat is designed for complex websites with a professional support team 24/24. Install each of them requires technical knowledge and a more or less complex but highly feasible.
With the chat would use most as a user?
Probably SnapEngage, because it seems to me the most visually polished and described. Skorzystałabym of MyLiveChat provided that was refined and adapted graphically to the page. Zopim is very simple to use, but lacks some features.
With the chat would use most as administrator / owner of the site?
You have to determine what would my needs, but I think that MyLiveChat definitely wins. Mainly through the ability to personalize the chat and to receive feedback from users after the call, which will improve customer service in the company. In addition, a multitude of functions is neither a little overwhelming, the panel is organized in a clear and intuitive way. Other chats tested were either poor or panel he was not readable and understandable. MyLiveChat in terms of usability is definitely a favorite. I would recommend him to try not only of elderly portals, however, and smaller companies that like to control things and 'tailor-made’.