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iOS app development trends for 2023

In the fast-paced world of app development, trends come and go quickly. In the past few years, we’ve seen everything from augmented reality to chatbots gain popularity, only to drop out of vogue soon after.

miko lehman
Mikołaj Lehman
05 października 2022 4 MIN CZYTANIA

In the fast-paced world of app development, trends come and go quickly. In the past few years, we’ve seen everything from augmented reality to chatbots gain popularity, only to drop out of vogue soon after.

The constantly shifting app development landscape can make it difficult for developers to know what’s coming next, but a little bit of forward thinking can prepare you for almost anything. In this blog post, we’ll be discussing some common app development trends that might continue in 2023 and how they can help you as an iOS developer.

Augmented Reality Will Be a Major Focus for App Developers

With virtual reality headsets gaining popularity, augmented reality apps are increasingly being given a chance to shine. As developers look for new ways to make their apps stand out, many are realizing that AR can be a great way to make the apps more interesting. When it comes to the potential uses of AR in apps, the sky is truly the limit.

A business might use AR to create 3D models of products, while a retailer might use AR to let customers see what furniture pieces would look like in their homes before buying. Because AR has been around for a long time, it has only recently become popular with app developers, and this trend is probably going to continue for the next few years. While ARKit and ARCore continue to improve, AR apps will become more powerful and realistic than ever before.

Voice Assistants Will Be Core to Nearly Every App

As voice assistants like Amazon’s Alexa and Google Assistant become more and more commonplace, their value will grow in other areas beyond just the home. In fact, many analysts feel that in the coming years, voice will be the primary method of interacting with apps. It’s important for app developers to consider how their apps might be used via voice, keeping this in mind.

If you’re designing a new app, consider how people might use it without a visual interface. While voice control is likely to become more popular, there’s no guarantee that it will completely replace visual interfaces. Instead, it’s likely that both will co-exist, with voice being used for certain functions and visual interfaces for others.

Depending on the type of app you’re building, you may want to incorporate voice controls. If so, you should make an effort to incorporate natural language processing into your app. Doing so will allow your app to understand the voice commands that people use to interact with it.

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Messaging Apps Will Continue to Grow in Importance

For several years, analysts have been predicting that messaging apps would become increasingly important, and it seems that this is finally starting to happen. With the launch of things like Apple’s person-to-person payments service, the popularity of messaging apps has continued to grow. While the current dominance of messaging apps may partially be due to the novelty of other forms of communication, it also has significant real-world benefits.

In particular, communication via messaging apps is more convenient than other forms of communication such as making phone calls. Because most people have access to these apps, it’s easy to communicate with friends, family, and others. Finally, the persistent nature of messaging apps makes them ideal for communicating with groups. It’s easy to stay connected with a group of people, and it’s simple to keep tabs on past conversations.

These reasons are likely to make messaging apps even more important in the future. As they grow in popularity, expect app developers to focus on making sure their apps work well with popular messaging apps.

Games and Entertainment Apps Will Become Even More Immersive

When augmented reality and virtual reality games become increasingly popular, many entertainment apps will likely adopt these technologies. Because of this, there might be a higher level of immersion in entertainment apps in general. There are both positive and negative ramifications to augmented reality’s increasing popularity. For example, medical apps may be used to treat patients in a more effective manner.

In particular, they could be used to make the experience more enjoyable and less intimidating for patients. When it comes to other types of apps, increased immersion could make shopping or other activities more realistic. Immersive apps could also make education more enjoyable and help teachers better engage with students.

Bottom line

The app development trends we’ve discussed are likely to continue in 2023. Augmented reality, voice assistants, and messaging apps will grow in importance, while games and entertainment apps will become even more immersive.