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How Much Does a MVP Cost? (Spoiler Alert: It’s Not Always A Million Dollars)

An MVP can help you validate your initial assumptions about your target market, the demand for your product, and the features that are most important. These insights will help you launch a successful final version of your service or product.

Kamil Dziuba
CEO @ GMI Software
01 lipca 2022 7 MIN CZYTANIA

You might have heard that creating a minimum viable product (MVP) is an excellent way to test your startup idea before you invest lots of time and money into it.

An MVP can help you validate your initial assumptions about your target market, the demand for your product, and the features that are most important. These insights will help you launch a successful final version of your service or product.

With so much emphasis placed on the benefits of an MVP, it’s no surprise that many entrepreneurs have started asking how much does an MVP cost? However, we’ve also seen a lot of people get confused about what exactly an MVP entails. If you’re considering building one for your business, read on to find out more!

What is a MVP?

A minimum viable product (MVP) is a product with just enough features to satisfy early customers. It is a great way to start generating revenue while you continue to develop your product by gathering feedback from your initial customers. The concept of an MVP is not new. It’s been around for years in different forms. The idea of a minimum viable product came about when more and more entrepreneurs started using agile development processes. These processes encourage companies to release incremental versions of their product instead of trying to build everything at once.

An MVP represents the bare minimum that you can get away with in order to start generating revenue. A MVP is not a prototype, nor is it a final product. It’s an early version of your product with just enough features to be feasible for your customers. Since an MVP doesn’t have all of the bells and whistles that you plan to add to the final version, it may have a less attractive design and require more effort on the part of the customer to use.

The MVP is built with the minimum required features, often skipping non-essential ones, such as a user interface or detailed instructions. The MVP should also be built with minimal effort, which means that you should use quick and cheap methods to build it.

Why Build an MVP?

The main reason to build an MVP is to test your product idea and validate your assumptions about your target market and the demand for your product. This is why an MVP should be built before you launch your final product. This will allow you to find out which features are most crucial for customers, what their pain points and desires are, and how much they’re willing to pay for your product.

The insights that you gather from your MVP will help you make important decisions regarding your product development. You will be able to see which features are essential and which ones aren’t necessary. You can also see if your customers like the overall design and if they understand how to use your product.

These insights will help you define your product roadmap, avoid wasting resources on unnecessary features, and reduce development costs by knowing the correct number of needed features for the MVP.

The 3 Types of MVPs

There are many different types of minimum viable products, but they all have one thing in common – they’re quick to build and cheap to run. This means that you won’t need to spend lots of time and money on each of these MVPs, which can help you test your product idea and launch it more quickly.

These are the 3 most common types of MVPs: – Basic MVP: A basic MVP is the simplest variation of an MVP. It is not visually appealing, and it may not have the necessary features to function properly. A basic MVP is used to collect data and receive user feedback. It is typically a minimum viable product that has been hacked together in order to get it to work. A basic MVP is recommended if you don’t have lots of time or money to invest in your product. – Advanced (functional) MVP: An advanced (functional) MVP is an MVP with most or all of the features that you plan to have in the final version of your product. An advanced (functional) MVP is best for testing your business idea, marketing campaign, and acquiring customers.

An advanced (functional) MVP may cost more than a basic MVP, but it can help you save money in the long run. – Responsive MVP: A responsive MVP is an MVP that is designed to look good on all devices, including smartphones, tablets, and other handheld devices. A responsive MVP does not have to be fully functional, but it should provide enough of a glimpse into the future of your product to get customers excited.

How Much Does a Basic MVP Cost?

A basic MVP is the cheapest variation of an MVP, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be free. A basic MVP may cost as little as $0 if you find a way to create it without any investment. However, if you decide to invest in your MVP, the costs can vary depending on your business and the level of functionality that you want to find in your product.

A basic MVP can be as cheap as $100 if you use some existing tools or resources to create it. For example, you can use pre-existing platforms to create your MVP. You can also create your MVP without any coding or programming by using visual tools, such as click-through mock-ups that look like normal websites.

How Much Does an Advanced (Functional) MVP Cost?

The cost of an advanced (functional) MVP depends on the type of business that you’re in and the level of functionality that you want your product to have. The level of functionality in your advanced (functional) MVP is determined by what you’ve concluded after testing your basic MVP. The costs of an advanced (functional) MVP can range from $5,000 to $1 million depending on the features that you want to add to your product. However, it’s important to remember that an advanced (functional) MVP is not a fully developed product. It’s just a more advanced variation of a basic MVP.

How Much Does a Responsive MVP Cost?

The costs of a responsive MVP are determined by the level of functionality that you want your product to have. Just like with an advanced (functional) MVP, the costs of a responsive MVP will vary depending on the type of business that you’re in. Given that responsive MVPs are more complicated and feature-rich, their costs are usually higher than basic and advanced (functional) MVPs.

How Much Does a Mock-Up MVP Cost?

A mock-up MVP is very similar to a basic MVP except that it’s created with mock-ups instead of actual products. A mock-up MVP is created with mock-ups that look like the final products. Alternatively, you can create a mock-up MVP by designing user flows and wireframes.

The costs of a mock-up MVP depend on the level of complexity of your product and the number of mock-ups that you have to create in order to create your mock-up MVP. The average costs of a mock-up MVP are around $500 to $1,000.

How Much Does a Marketing-Only (MVP) Cost?

A marketing-only MVP is an MVP that is designed only for marketing purposes. It is often created as a mock-up or prototype and does not have any real functionality. A marketing-only MVP is usually created in order to generate interest in your product, increase brand recognition, and eventually bring traffic to your sales pages.

The costs of a marketing-only MVP will depend on the type of marketing strategy that you want to employ. For example, if you want to launch a paid advertising campaign in order to increase product awareness, the costs will be much higher than if you want to rely on organic traffic and word of mouth.


An MVP is a product with just enough features to satisfy early customers. It is a great way to start generating revenue while you continue to develop your product by gathering feedback from your initial customers. There are 3 types of MVPs: basic, advanced (functional), and responsive. The costs of each type of MVP depend on the level of functionality that you want your product to have.