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Which Hybrid Mobile Framework Should You Choose? Flutter, React Native and Their Differences

Kamil Dziuba
CEO @ GMI Software
02 lipca 2022 4 MIN CZYTANIA

Hybrid mobile app development frameworks are becoming more and more popular. These frameworks allow developers to build mobile apps with the help of fewer resources, which means you get to save time, money and resources. Within this article, we’ll talk about the two most popular hybrid mobile app development frameworks: Flutter and React Native. Read on to find out more about these two technologies and their differences.


What is Flutter?

Flutter is a new mobile app development framework created by Google. It was created to bridge the gap between native app development and cross-platform app development. The main goal of Flutter is to make it easy to create high-quality apps for both Android and iOS. If you are looking for a chance to customize your app or build a brand-new app from scratch, Flutter might not be the best option.

What is React Native?

React Native is a framework for building native apps for Android and iOS using the same set of technologies and components used for building web apps. So, React Native is a great solution for startups and companies with limited resources and a small team who want to build both Android and iOS apps with a single codebase. In case your company needs to build a brand-new app, React Native might not be the best option.

How to choose between Flutter and React Native?

Before you choose a framework for building your app, you should know what each one offers. Once you are familiar with the features and benefits of each framework, you can make a better decision. Here are some questions that can help you decide which framework to use: – What is your end goal?- What is your industry?- What type of app are you going to build?- How experienced is your team?- What are your resources?- What are your design requirements?- What is your budget? If you’ve answered all these questions, you will have a better idea of which framework is best for you.

Pros and cons of using Flutter

PROS Flutter enables you to build high-quality apps quickly. Flutter provides full control over the design and layout of your app. Flutter helps you simplify the code and write less code. CONS Flutter doesn’t have many tools for debugging apps. There is limited support for third-party libraries.

There is no support for plugins. In general, Flutter is a great choice for developing cross-platform apps. It is easy to use, has a top-notch design and is quick to learn. Flutter is a great choice for those who want to build high-quality apps quickly and easily.

react native

Pros and cons of using React Native

PROS React Native enables you to build high-quality apps quickly. React Native helps you simplify the code and write less code. React Native offers great support for debugging apps. React Native has a large number of third-party tools and solutions. There is a wide range of design styles and components. CONS There is a limited support for the design and layout of your app. There is limited support for third-party libraries. There is no support for plugins. As you can see, both frameworks have their own set of advantages and disadvantages. In the end, it all comes down to the type of app you are building and your project’s requirements.

Which framework should you choose?

When it comes to choosing the best option for your business, there are several things you need to take into consideration. You need to consider the project’s requirements, your team’s level of experience, as well as your budget. In the end, it all comes down to your project’s requirements and what’s best for your business.