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W GMI wierzymy, że nasi klienci to więcej niż partnerzy. Inwestujemy czas, aby zrozumieć Twój biznes, użytkowników i potrzeby, wspólnie kształtując sukces.

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GMI Software zobowiązuje się do przetwarzania przekazanych informacji w celu nawiązania kontaktu z Tobą w sprawie Twojego projektu. Dodatkowe dane są wykorzystywane w celach analitycznych. Od czasu do czasu możemy chcieć poinformować Cię o innych naszych usługach i treściach, które mogą być dla Ciebie interesujące. Jeśli wyrażasz zgodę na kontakt w tych celach, zaznacz poniższe pole wyboru. Możesz zrezygnować z naszych komunikatów w dowolnym momencie. Aby dowiedzieć się więcej o procesie rezygnacji i naszym podejściu do ochrony prywatności, zapoznaj się z naszą Polityką Prywatności.
To pole jest używane do walidacji i powinno pozostać niezmienione.

Don’t Trust Sponsored Listings like

We've all heard of the Polish Pickles – those little jars of salty, sour cucumbers that are the absolute favorite of the Polish people. But did you know that there is another kind of Polish Pickle – one that you aren't likely to find in your local grocery store? In this blog, I'm going to talk about the Polish Pickles of the software development world – sponsored listings like These types of listings are becoming increasingly popular as people look for ways to find the best software companies in Poland. But before you put your trust in these sponsored listings, let me tell you why you should be wary of them.

miko lehman
Mikołaj Lehman
15 listopada 2023 4 MIN CZYTANIA

We’ve all heard of the Polish Pickles – those little jars of salty, sour cucumbers that are the absolute favorite of the Polish people. But did you know that there is another kind of Polish Pickle – one that you aren’t likely to find in your local grocery store? In this blog, I’m going to talk about the Polish Pickles of the software development world – sponsored listings like These types of listings are becoming increasingly popular as people look for ways to find the best software companies in Poland. But before you put your trust in these sponsored listings, let me tell you why you should be wary of them.

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Introduction to Sponsored Listings Like is an online platform that helps users find the best software companies in Poland. Companies pay to be featured on the website, which is a sponsored listing. This method of listing has grown in popularity in recent years because it offers businesses a way to stand out from their competitors.

It’s important to remember that not every company listed on is the best. A third-party runs the website, and featured companies may pay for exposure. This means that just because a company is listed on, it doesn’t guarantee it’s the best in its field.

The Problem with Sponsored Listings

The problem with sponsored listings is that they don’t always provide an accurate picture of the best software companies in Poland. While some of the companies listed on may be reputable and reliable, there is no guarantee that this is the case. It is also possible that some of the companies listed on may be paying to be featured, rather than being chosen based on merit.

This means that while you may be able to find some good software companies on, there is no guarantee that you will be able to find the best ones. Furthermore, even if you do find a few good companies, there is no guarantee that they are the best in their field.

The Dangers of Relying on Sponsored Listings

Relying on sponsored listings like for top software companies in Poland poses several dangers. Firstly, companies that pay for exposure may not be the best in their field. Secondly, some of the companies listed on may not be legitimate.

Additionally, the website’s information may mislead you. The descriptions of the companies could be exaggerated or inaccurate, and the reviews could be misleading. Thus, you should be cautious of the risks that come with relying on sponsored listings for top software companies in Poland.

How to Evaluate Top Software Companies in Poland

If you are looking for top software companies in Poland, it is important to do your research. Don’t just rely on sponsored listings like – make sure to do your own research as well. Here are some tips for evaluating software companies in Poland:

  • Read reviews: Reviews are a great way to get an idea of the quality of a company’s products and services. Make sure to read reviews from multiple sources, as this will give you a better idea of what to expect.
  • Ask for references: Ask the company for references from past clients. This will give you an idea of how reliable the company is and how well it will be able to meet your needs.
  • Compare prices: Compare the prices of different software companies in Poland. This will help you to determine which companies are offering the best value for money.
  • Check for certifications: Check to see if the company has any industry certifications. This will give you a good indication of the quality of their services.

By following these tips, you will be able to evaluate the best software companies in Poland and make an informed decision.


Finding the best software companies in Poland can be difficult, especially if you don’t know where to look. While sponsored listings like can be useful, it is important to be aware of the potential risks that come with relying on them. Make sure to do your own research, read reviews, ask for references, compare prices, and check for certifications in order to evaluate the best software companies in Poland.

By following this advice, you can be sure that you are making an informed decision and avoiding the potential pitfalls of relying on sponsored listings like for top software companies in Poland. So the next time someone offers you a Polish Pickle, think twice before you take a bite!