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The 4 Steps for Building Microservices Architecture

When you build software, you want to create something that’s modular, where different components can be reused and services can talk to each other easily. In the world of microservices, these smaller services are called microservices.

miko lehman
Mikołaj Lehman
25 października 2023 4 MIN CZYTANIA

When you build software, you want to create something that’s modular, where different components can be reused and services can talk to each other easily. In the world of microservices, these smaller services are called microservices.

Microservices Architecture

These are small applications that have a single responsibility, are independent from each other, and can be deployed and updated independently. These microservices communicate either directly or through an API so that they can work together as a single system. So how do you build your own microservices architecture? Keep reading to find out!

Define the Microservices Architecture Roadmap

When putting together a microservices architecture, the first step is to establish your route. You should consider your firm’s size and scale, the services you want to build, and the technology you will use. You should also consider where you want your architecture to be in the future and how you will get there. After you’ve weighed all of these variables, you can begin to put together your roadmap for developing your microservices architecture.

Decide on a Platform and Language

Once you’ve decided on a roadmap for your microservices architecture, the next step is for you to decide on a platform and language for building your services. If you’re a large company with a huge codebase, then you have the option of taking everything into one big monolithic system, and breaking it into services later. However, if you’re a smaller company, then you definitely want to build your architecture as microservices from the start.

For smaller companies, the best choice is to go with a single language and a single technology. You can either choose a language like Java or a microservices framework like .NET Core. If you choose a language, then you can create separate libraries and use them in different services. Rather than using a specific language, you can choose a technology that supports microservices. Some of these include Amazon Web Services (AWS) with their serverless architecture and Google’s cloud service architecture.

Create Your First Microservice

Now that you know which platform and language you want to use, it’s time to create your first microservice. When deciding which piece of your architecture to break into a microservice, you want to look at the complexity of the functionality and the data that it uses. Additionally, you want to consider the cost and the effort of implementing this functionality. Once you’ve decided which service you want to break off, create a new project for it and start designing it. Your microservice should have a single codebase, with a single entry point to communicate with other services. You should also be able to deploy it as a single unit.

Microservices Architecture

Build Your Service Gateways for microservices architecture

Now that you’ve created your first microservice, you want to create your service gateways to connect them all together. A gateway is a middleman between a service and an external client. It’s used to translate requests and responses between the two systems, and it’s also used to authenticate and authorize requests from clients. You can create a gateway for each service, or you can create a gateway that services can use for shared functionality. You can also create a gateway for the central data repository that stores all of your data.

Create a Central Data Repository for All Services

Now that your microservices are all connected and communicating with each other, you need to create a central data repository for all of them. This is where you place all of your shared data needed by all of your microservices. You can create a data architecture using a NoSQL database, an Object Relational Mapping (ORM) database, or a Graph Database. Each of these architectures are specifically designed to handle large amounts of data and allow each microservice to access the data without any issues.

Microservices Architecture: Conclusion

Building a microservice architecture is a complex process and one that every organization should consider. It makes the entire system more flexible, allows organizations to scale more easily, and it makes maintenance much more efficient. When deciding on a microservices architecture, keep in mind that it can be difficult to make a change once your architecture is built. It’s important to choose the right technology and language for your system so that you can build a scalable and easily maintainable architecture. When you decide on a microservices architecture, you can make better use of your team members’ expertise. You can also reduce the risk of failure and increase your system’s resiliency to change.