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Babylon.js: The newest web technology that’s changing the face of ecommerce

miko lehman
Mikołaj Lehman
06 października 2022 6 MIN CZYTANIA

New technologies are emerging every day, and they’re all making the world of ecommerce a much more exciting place. Virtual reality, augmented reality, artificial intelligence and voice recognition are just a few examples of innovations that have begun to infiltrate the digital space in recent years.


Ecommerce is currently undergoing a renaissance with the emergence of new technologies such as ARKit, Unity, Unreal Engine, Vuforia, Google Lens, and Babylon.js. Thanks to these innovations, we can expect to see major changes in ecommerce over the next few years. This article explores some of these developments in detail so you can understand how they might impact your business.

What is Babylon.js?

Babylon.js is an open-source WebGL library that enables developers to create 3D graphics for web applications. Because it’s a library, it doesn’t require developers to create their own graphics from scratch. Babylon.js is particularly useful for AR and VR development because it supports both 2D and 3D content. It’s also cross-platform, which means that developers can use the same code regardless of the device the code will be running on. Babylon.js is a new technology that’s starting to gain a lot of traction in the ecommerce space.

Augmented Reality in Ecommerce

Augmented reality is a type of technology that superimposes computer-generated images and sounds onto real-world images. Ecommerce brands are using it widely to create new digital experiences for customers. With AR, brands can bring their products to life in a way that has never before been possible. Consumers can try on clothing, try out furniture, and even get cooking tips from AR.

It’s a great way for brands to provide instant guidance to customers without having to write a single piece of content. Here are some examples of brands using AR in their ecommerce strategies:

  • Shoppers are able to shop for products using face recognition instead of typing in the name of what they’re looking for.
  • Customers are using AR to help them find the right size clothing without having to guess.
  • Customers can try on makeup virtually to find the perfect shade.
  • Brands can use AR to walk customers through the installation process for home appliances.
  • Customers can get recipes and cooking instructions from the comfort of their homes.

Voice-activated Shopping

Voice recognition technology is continuing to improve, and brands are taking advantage of this by incorporating voice-activated shopping into their digital strategies. One of the most popular examples of this shopping method is Amazon’s Alexa.

Users can simply say what they want to purchase, and it will deliver straight to their doorsteps. Customers are increasingly preferring voice-activated shopping because they don’t have to type in any information, and they can do everything from the comfort of their homes.

This technology is set to become more advanced in the next few years. We can expect to see more natural language processing, along with an increase in the number of brands that accept voice-activated purchases. Voice-activated shopping is a great way for brands to increase sales without having to spend a lot of money on marketing.


3D Virtual Reality in Ecommerce

VR is a technology that transports users to virtual worlds, and it’s been around in the ecommerce space for a while now. However, the emergence of newer technologies such as Babylon.js, WebAssembly, and WebGL will allow developers to create even more immersive VR experiences. With these technologies, developers can create VR experiences that run on a wider range of devices.

This will make VR a much more viable option for ecommerce brands because VR headsets are becoming more affordable. VR has proven to be a great way for brands to highlight the advantages of their products. It’s also a great option for marketing products that are difficult to photograph, such as cars, real estate, and large machinery. In fact, many car manufacturers, such as Mercedes Benz, are using VR to showcase their cars to consumers before they’re even released.

Here are some other ways that VR can be used in ecommerce:

  • Customers can use VR to custom-build their own cars.
  • Customers can use it to test out different furniture before they decide to buy.
  • You can use it to tour museums, natural wonders, and other important tourist attractions.
  • It allows customers to experience different lifestyles and cultures.

Artificial Intelligence in eCommerce

Artificial intelligence is a technology that’s being used by brands to create personalized shopping experiences for their customers. A.I. can be used to create a shopping experience that’s tailored to each individual’s preferences.

This means that brands don’t have to guess what products their customers want; they can simply use A.I. to find out. A.I. suggests products to customers based on their previous purchases, browsing history, and social media activity. This means that it’s possible for brands to suggest products that their customers don’t even know about yet.

A.I. can also be used to recommend pricing and product placements. Here are some other ways that A.I. can be used in ecommerce:

  • A.I. can create a personalized shopping experience for each customer, including content and product descriptions.
  • It recommends that customers tailor their choices to their own tastes.
  • You can use it to create personalized newsletters and email campaigns.
  • You can use it to create personalized shopping experiences for customers at every stage of their journey, including browsing, buying, and returning items.


Babylon.js is a brand-new web technology that’s changing the face of ecommerce. We’re using it to create more immersive 3D and AR experiences for customers.This technology is also making it easier for brands to create VR experiences that run on a wider range of devices.

Brands are also using artificial intelligence to create more personalized shopping experiences for their customers. It’s clear that ecommerce is changing. Now is the perfect time for brands to make the most of new technologies to stand out from the crowd.