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5 Tips on Arduino Software Development to Help Your Startup Succeed!

Kamil Dziuba
CEO @ GMI Software
04 lipca 2022 5 MIN CZYTANIA

Arduino is a hardware platform that makes coding and developing software for a device simple, fast, and affordable. In fact, the simplicity of Arduino makes it a great tool for startups with limited funding or resources. You’ll be able to prototype your product faster and at a much lower cost than other platforms such as Raspberry Pi.


Arduino software development is challenging, however, because everything you do with Arduino involves working directly with code. As an engineer or developer, this means you will spend most of your time reading and writing code. The good news is that you can use these challenges to your advantage. If you understand how to work with code and use it efficiently in your development process, you’ll find working with Arduino much easier.

Maintain a simple development workflow

As with any software development project, it’s important to have a simple workflow that all team members can follow. This will help you avoid bottlenecks in your workflow and make it easier to troubleshoot any issues that may arise. Make sure everyone on your team has access to the workflow you’ve established so they can follow it easily.

Clear communication between your engineering and design teams is also important to avoid any unnecessary roadblocks. To avoid bottlenecks in workflow, make sure everyone knows what their responsibilities are and has access to the information they need to get their work done.

Use version control constantly

It’s crucial to use version control software constantly throughout your development process. From the very beginning, you’ll want to maintain different versions of your code and keep track of them all. This will make it much easier to go back to an earlier version of your code if you need to. Even if you’re working on a small Arduino project with a small team, it’s important to use version control.It’s also a good idea to use revision control software such as Git.

This will allow each member of your team to keep track of their code changes and also collaborate with each other more effectively. If you’re using GitHub, you can even create a public repository for your code so that other people can access and collaborate with you on your project.


Keep your code documented and well-organized

When you’re working with code, it’s important to keep track of your progress and make notes on each part of your code. As you’re writing the code, you’ll want to keep track of why each line of code exists and what it does. This will help make debugging your code much easier, and you can easily find the pieces of code you want to change.

Keep your code well-organized and documented so that you can find the parts of your code you need easily. If you’re working with a team, this is even more important. You and your team members will want to be able to find the code you need quickly and easily so that you can avoid wasting time searching for it.

Don’t forget to build in quality assurance

Building in quality assurance (QA) into your development process is important no matter what type of software you’re building. It can often be easy to forget about QA when you’re working with Arduino and only writing code. But it’s important to not forget about QA with Arduino development.One way to build in QA is to create automated tests for your code. You can use software such as Selenium to write tests that act as if a user were using your product and automatically check for errors.


Estimate your development time accurately

Make sure your team members are realistic about how long it will take to develop each part of the product. This will help you avoid having to cut features from your product and losing time due to not having enough time to finish everything.Estimating development time accurately is important. You’ll want to set realistic goals for each part of your development process, such as how long it will take to design your product and how long it will take to write code for each part of your product.You’ll want to make sure you’re setting your goals based on the engineering process, not just how long it takes you to write code.


Arduino is a great tool for startups because it’s easy to use, costs less than other platforms, and is great for prototyping. However, working with Arduino can be challenging because everything is done through code. If you can master the challenges associated with this, development with Arduino will be much easier for you.

This is because when you code for Arduino, you also have to consider the limitations of the board itself. Make sure you keep things simple, follow a simple workflow, and keep your code organized and well-documented. It’s also important to remember to build in quality assurance and accurately estimate how long each part of the development process will take.